Sri Lanka’s new Cabinet sworn in

(VOVworld) – Sri Lanka’s new 27-member Cabinet was sworn in Monday.

Sri Lanka’s new Cabinet sworn in - ảnh 1
Sri Lanka’s opposition presidential candidate Maithripala Sirisena gestures as he leaves a polling station after casting his vote during the presidential elections in Polonnaruwa, about 200 kilometres northeast of Colombo, Sri Lanka, on January 8, 2015. (Photo: AP)

Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena will concurrently hold the position of Defense Minister and his Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, will concurrently hold the position of Policy Implementation and Economic Development Minister. Sirisena said the government will conduct a 100-day reform to grant more power to the government and the parliament. The reform will include anti-corruption efforts and forming independent commissions on judiciary, police, public services, and elections. Sirisena also pledged to reverse constitutional amendments which his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa, conducted to give more power to the president and allow a 3rd presidential term. Sri Lanka’s parliamentary elections will be held in April.  

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