State of emergency in France extended 3 months

(VOVworld) - French President Francois Hollande said Sunday he wants to extend for three months the state of emergency imposed in the wake of the deadly assaults in Paris.

State of emergency in France extended 3 months - ảnh 1
People pay their respects at one of the attack sites in Paris Nov. 15, 2015.
(photo: Benoit Tessier/Reuters)

Le Figaro said a bill would be brought before France's cabinet on November 18 extending the state of emergency by three months. French law limits a state of emergency initially to 12 days.
The government will be allowed to impose travel restrictions and declare special security areas. French Minister of Home Affairs Bernard Cazeneuve said on Belgian national TV RTBF that terrorist plots have been planned outside France in places like Belgium.

Pope Francis on Sunday denounced the terrorist attacks in Paris and expressed his compassion for the French people.

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