State President commends performance by defense intelligence brigade

(VOVWORLD) -President Vo Van Thuong examined the training and combat readiness at Brigade K3 of General Department II, the Ministry of National Defense, on Thursday, on the occasion of the 79th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - 2023) and the All People’s National Defense Festival (December 22, 1989 - 2023).
State President commends performance by defense intelligence brigade - ảnh 1President Vo Van Thuong shakes hands with officials of Brigade K3 and General Department II of the Ministry of National Defense on December 21. (Photo: VNA)

Highly valuing the training and combat readiness of Brigade K3, the State leader said over 27 years of development, the brigade has always been an elite and faithful combatant force of the defense intelligence that has obtained many remarkable feats of arms, deserving the title of “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” granted by the Party and State.

Officers, soldiers, and staff members of Brigade K3 have made tireless efforts to weather difficulties and fulfill all tasks, thereby helping build up the army, consolidate national defense, protect the Party, the regime and the Fatherland, and develop defense intelligence, he continued, applauding the unit’s achievements and all-round development in recent years.
The President asked the brigade to continue upholding the defense intelligence force’s heroic tradition, carry out the focal task of building a comprehensively strong unit, build a clean and strong Party organization, and consolidate its officers, soldiers, and staff members’ political mettle, absolute loyalty to the Party, Fatherland, and people, as well as resolve and readiness to undertake and successfully accomplish tasks in all circumstances.
It is also necessary to further improve training and combat readiness so that its soldiers are truly elite, skillful, and have high combatant strength, he added.
President Thuong voiced his belief that Brigade K3 will keep joining the entire defense intelligence force in better serving national construction and safeguarding in the new context, and continue deserving its role as a particularly trustworthy and absolutely loyal unit of the Party, State, army, and people.

