Syria defends itself from invaders

(VOVworld) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Thursday that his country will defend itself against any foreign aggression. Assad told a delegation from Yemen in Damascus that threats of military intervention will increase its determination and the independent decision of its people. Defense Minister Fahd Jasem al-Freij affirmed that criminal terrorists had deliberately used chemical weapons, and killed women and innocent children to get more support from the West and mislead the public opinion to justify their continued crimes. The Syrian government has assured Iran, Russia, and China that it was not behind the chemical attacks against civilians.

Syria defends itself from invaders - ảnh 1
The Syrian government was alleged to launch chemical attacks against civilians.
(Photo: Reuters)

The same day, UN Security members including the US, China, Russia, France, and the UK convened to discuss the Syria unrest following signals from the US and Western countries regarding strikes on Syria. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon decided to shorten his European trip to receive preliminary reports regarding the investigation into Syria’s alleged use of chemical weapons.

The US has dispatched another guided-missile destroyer to the Mediterranean. 140 members of the US House of Representatives have added their signatures to a letter, demanding President Barack Obama comply with his responsibility as prescribed in the Constitution which is to get authorization from Congress before going ahead with any military strike. 

