Syria stresses no chemical weapons to be used against civilians

Syria’s Foreign Ministry on Monday officially rejected the Arab League’s proposal demanding Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to renounce power. 

Syria stresses no chemical weapons to be used against civilians - ảnh 1

Speaking at a press conference in Damascus, Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi said that the army never uses chemical weapons against Syrian people. He said Syria regrets the diplomatic relations with the Arab League were severed. If the Arab countries sincerely want to stop the bloodshed in Syria, they must stop supplying arms, and stop their instigation and propaganda against Syrian government. Makdissi added that the chemical and other non-conventional means will only be used in case of specific outside aggression. Iraq does not favor the Arab League’s proposal, and said that the decision for Syria’s future must be made by Syrian civilians.

Jordan’s anti-riot police on Monday fired tear gas to break up clashes between Syrian refugees and Jordanians in the border town of Ramtha, as thousands of Syrian refuges continue pouring into the country.

