Syria violence continues to escalate

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish forces on Sunday attacked the Nayrab airbase in Aleppo in northern Syria, in retaliation for a Syrian airstrike that killed 33 Turkish soldiers last week.
Syria violence continues to escalate - ảnh 1

Members of Syria's opposition 'National Liberation Front' fire artillery guns at government forces in village of Talhiyeh in northeastern Idlib province, February 28, 2020. (Photo: AFP)

Syrian forces confirmed that 2 of their fighter jets were shot down in Idlib by Turkish F-16 Fighting Falcons. The Russian Defence Ministry said on Sunday that Russia cannot guarantee the safety of Turkish planes in Syria after Damascus said it was closing the air space over Idlib. The same day, the Syrian air defense shot down 6 Turkish drones flying over Idlib’s de-escalation zone, which had been sent to attack Syrian military bases.

