Syrian army, opposition agree to new Damascus truce

(VOVworld)- Syria’s army and rebels have agreed to local truces at key flashpoints around Damascus. In the southern suburb of Babila, people saw opposition fighters and soldiers, all armed, in conversation, which would have been unthinkable just days ago.

Syrian army, opposition agree to new Damascus truce - ảnh 1
Opposition fighters and soldiers, all armed, in conversation, which would have been unthinkable just days ago.

Other truces were declared in 6 other Palestinian camps. Negotiated by public figures, the accords involve a truce, a siege being lifted, and food allowed in to opposition-held areas, with opposition fighters handing over heavy weapons and the regime raising its flag.

A new agreement is reported to be in the offing for Harasta, an opposition bastion northeast of Damascus, and talks over Daraya to the southwest are also under way. Damascus province Governor Hussein Makhluf pledged that public services would be restored to the ravaged area.

