Syrian government to attend peace conference

Syrian government to attend peace conference - ảnh 1
The Syrian foreign minister was speaking at a news conference in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.
(Photo: Reuters)

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mualem on Sunday paid a surprise visit to Iraq in order to seek Baghdad’s input on whether to join the June peace conference held by the US and Russia in Geneva. At a press conference with his Iraqi counterpart in Baghdad, Mualem stressed that the peace conference is a good opportunity for a political solution in Syria. He added that “dialogue among Syrians is the only solution for Syria” and that “no one can make a decision on behalf of the Syrian people about the future of their country". Previously, Mualem held talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamil Mohammed Hasan al-Maliki to discuss solutions to the current crisis in Syria. Mualem expressed his hope of receiving Iraqi support.

