“The Legendry General” Exhibition opens

(VOVWORLD) - An exhibition on late General Vo Nguyen Giap opened in Hanoi on Friday on the occasion of his 110th birth anniversary (August 25) to honour the legendary general’s great contributions to the national liberation cause.
“The Legendry General” Exhibition opens - ảnh 1Lieutenant Colonel Le Vu Huy, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Vietnam Military History Museum delivers an opening speech. (photo: VOV)
The exhibition, held by the Vietnam Military History Museum in collaboration with the Museum of People’s Public Security, Military Library and the general’s family, introduced to visitors documents and photos, images and items featuring the general’s the life and works as well as his sentiments toward people as well as international friends.
A national ceremony to mark his 110th birthday in Quang Binh province scheduled on August 25 has been delayed due to complicated pandemic context. The Party Secretariat has decided to hold the ceremony in another proper time.
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