Top legislators of Vietnam, Iran discuss ways to enhance cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has always treasured friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran, one of its important partners in the Middle East, so said National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue during talks in Tehran on Tuesday with Speaker of the Islamic Parliament of Iran, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.
Top legislators of Vietnam, Iran discuss ways to enhance cooperation - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Speaker of the Islamic Parliament of Iran Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf hold talks in Tehran on August 8, 2023. (Photo:

Speaker Ghalibaf said that Iran’s parliament and people also attach great importance to Iran’s relationship with Vietnam, an important partner of Iran in Asia-Pacific, and that cooperation between the two countries and parliaments will see giant leaps in the coming time.

The leaders agreed on measures to improve bilateral cooperation including promoting delegation and people-to-people exchanges and increasing mutual support at international forums.

They agreed to strengthen connections between localities and businesses of the two countries, creating conditions for key items of each country to penetrate the other’s market.

Chairman Hue asked Iran to increase imports of Vietnamese farm products like rice, tea, pepper and coffee and said Vietnam is ready to facilitate Iran’s exports of fruit to Vietnam.

Speaker Ghalibaf said Iranian businesses are increasingly interested in the Vietnamese market and looking for trade and agricultural cooperation with Vietnam.

The leaders also discussed ways to boost cooperation in science and technology, digital transformation, education and tourism.

They signed an MoU on cooperation between the two countries’ legislative bodies.

