Turkey recalls ambassador from Germany

(VOVworld) – Turkey recalled its ambassador to Germany, Huseyin Avni Karslioglu, on Thursday afternoon, just hours after Germany’s lower house approved a resolution declaring that the mass killing of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 was a "genocide".

Turkey recalls ambassador from Germany - ảnh 1
Armenian clergy men and activists react after law makers voted to recognise the Armenian genocide (Source: AFP)

Following the return of the ambassador, the Turkish government will decide what further steps to take in response.  Binali Yıldırım, the new Turkish prime minister, said the resolution was a mistake, and insisted that the Armenian racism was responsible for the decision.

Ambassador Karslioglu flew back to Ankara on Thursday, according to Turkish and German newspapers. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the incident has seriously damaged relations between the two countries.

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