Ukraine: ruling party demands cabinet reform

Ukraine: ruling party demands cabinet reform - ảnh 1

A man stacks wooden bars showing names of Ukrainian cities and settlements that are hometowns of demonstrators, during a rally in Independence Square in Kyiv, Dec. 16, 2013. Photo: Reuters

(VOVworld)- Ukraine's ruling Party of Regions has demanded a radical Cabinet reorganization in an effort to ease current political tensions. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s opposition continues preparing a second large protest to pressure the government. At Monday’s closed-door meeting of the Party of Regions, congressmen said that they have asked Prime Minister Mykola Azarov to immediately conduct a "90 percent reshuffle" of his government. However, the demand excludes the possibility of the Prime Minister’s resignation. President Yanukovych has threatened to dismiss the officials who drafted a coalition agreement between Ukraine and the European Union (EU).

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