UN provides emergency food to 1 million people in Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said on Wednesday that it is delivering emergency food to 1 million people in Ukraine where the UN said “one person in five now reports having to reduce the size and number of their meals while adults skip meals so their children can eat.”

UN provides emergency food to 1 million people in Ukraine - ảnh 1People wait in queue to receive food aid in Trostianets, Ukraine, March 29, 2022. Photo: AFP/VNA

WFP has provided 330,000 loaves of freshly baked bread to families in the city of Kharkiv, cash assistance to displaced people in Lviv and ready-to-eat food in various parts of the country.

It is expected that more convoys of food and food trucks will arrive in Ukraine. WFP emergency coordinator for Ukraine Jakob Kern said that as the UN has built systems able to deliver food at scale to communities in need, more funding is needed to keep delivering assistance, and to help 3 million people in need.

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