UN Security Council condemns North Korea's nuclear test

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council on Tuesday "strongly condemned" Pyongyang for staging a third nuclear test saying it has seriously violated UN resolutions and posed a clear threat to international peace and security.

UN Security Council condemns North Korea's nuclear test  - ảnh 1
The UN Security Council met 12 February following a request from Seoul. EPA/JUSTIN LANE

The 15-member body held a meeting following a request from South Korea which is taking the UN Security Council’s rotating presidency this month. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency have also condemned the latest nuclear test of the North saying the act is creating an obvious threat to the international peace and security.  Pyongyang said it will never make any concessions to unreasonable international resolutions against its nuclear programs.

On Tuesday, the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson said Vietnam is gravely concerned about North Korea’s third nuclear test. Luong Thanh Nghi said it has violated UN Security Council’s relevant resolutions, complicated the situation, and threatened the regional peace and stability. Nghi stressed Vietnam’s consistent view on supporting the comprehensive prohibition of nuclear tests and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons towards disarming this kind of weapon. Vietnam calls on parties involved to stay calm to resolve issues in the Korean peninsula in a peaceful manner.

