UN Vesak Day 2019 confirms Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s role: PM

(VOVWORLD) - The UN Vesak Day 2019 opens in Tam Chuc Buddhism Culture Center in Ha Nam province on Saturday with the theme “Buddhism's Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable Societies.” High-ranking national leaders and Buddhist dignitaries from 112 countries and territories and thousands of Buddhist followers attended the event. 

UN Vesak Day 2019 confirms Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s role: PM  - ảnh 1

President of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha and Head of the Organizing Committee, Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon called on Buddhists all over the world to unite, take action, and share responsibilities to address global challenges like conflicts, terrorism, war, inequality, and environmental crisis. Most Venerable Nhon said: “Vesak Day 2019’s topic is Buddhism's Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable Societies. It shows Buddhism’s awareness and responsibilities for tumultuousness in various aspects of life all over the world. It also shows a positive attitude and belief in Buddhism’s contributions to settling the era’s problems. Vietnam’s Buddhism will always stand side by side with the nation to build Vietnam into a wealthy, beautiful, and peaceful country to develop sustainably in international integration.”

UN Vesak Day 2019 confirms Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s role: PM  - ảnh 2 Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (C) attends and delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the UN Day of Vesak celebrations in Ha Nam province on May 12. 

Addressing the event, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said Vietnam is proud to be chosen as a venue for Vesak Day 2019 celebration. Vesak reflects the UN’s strong determination to build peace, friendship, cooperation, development, and promoting positive sides of Buddhism for a better world. Mr. Phuc said: “Vietnam is a multi-religious country, in which Buddhism has time-honored tradition and is closely bound to Vietnamese culture and tradition. Over the years, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha has constantly developed and demonstrated its will towards harmony, solidarity, and unity, contributing to national construction. The hosting the Vesak Day 2019 once again shows Vietnam’s respect for cultural and ethical values of religions, including Buddhism, which direct people to truth,  goodness, and beauty, in line with Vietnamese culture, ethics, and lifestyle for the sake of goodness.”

Most Venerable Phra Brahmapundit, President of the International Council for the Day of Vesak, praised Vietnam’s hosting of the event, saying Vietnamese Buddhism’s development will contribute the development of Buddhism in the world.

In his message for the Day of Vesak, UN Secretary-General António Guterres extended best wishes to all celebrating Vesak, a sacred occasion to millions around the world. He said: “On this date marking the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha, all of us, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, can reflect on his life and draw inspiration from his teachings. In a time of growing intolerance and inequality, the Buddha’s message of non-violence and service to others is more relevant than ever. On the Day of Vesak, let us renew our commitment to building a world of peace and dignity for all.”

The UN Vesak Day is being held in Vietnam for the third time and will run until Tuesday. 

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