US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea for joint naval drills

The U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz arrived in South Korea Saturday to participate in joint naval drills as part of routine training, the Combined Forces Command (CFC) said.

US aircraft carrier arrives in South Korea for joint naval drills - ảnh 1
US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz                                            Source:

The Nimitz Strike Group includes 64 aircraft as well as cruisers and destroyers, said the group’s commander, Rear Admiral Mike S. White, after the aircraft carrier anchored off the southern port of Busan. South Korea’s Defence Ministry said the 97,000-ton Nimitz, one of the world’s largest warships, will participate in joint search-and-rescue operations as well as “sea manoeuvring” around the Korean Peninsula. The ministry declined to confirm news reports that the drills would be staged in the coming week along the southern and eastern coasts following an ongoing anti-submarine exercise in the Yellow Sea.

