US boosts peace in the Middle East

U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry is on his fifth trip to the Middle East in an effort to resume peace talks that have been stalled since 2010.

US boosts peace in the Middle East - ảnh 1
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry greeted by Jordan's Director of the Political Directorate and the Royal Hashemite Court Manar Dabbas upon his arrival at Al Hummar Palace in Amman,  Photo: Reuters

After arriving in the capital city of Amman, Kerry held a meeting with king Abdullah of Jordan, and discussed relations between the two countries, and the efforts to resume the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. Kerry also held talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. He returned to Amman city today/ on Friday to hold further talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. While Kerry is seeking ways to help Israel and Palestine resume peace talks, Palestine expressed a willingness to return to the talks with the precondition that Israel stops building settlements on the West Bank and Jerusalem, as well as accept the border before 1967.


