US - Cuba talks on normalizing ties extends one more day

US - Cuba talks on normalizing ties extends one more day - ảnh 1
US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf. (
(VOVworld) - Talks between the United States and Cuba went into a second day on Friday as the sides try to reach agreement on reopening embassies shut for more than half a century. US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said that the US and Cuban diplomatic delegations has concluded their discussion for the first day and talks would be continued on Friday. She added that the US negotiators continued to press on issues of human rights and asked the Cuban government to allow US diplomats to freely travel in Cuba and meet with dissidents. Meanwhile, Cuba required the US to lift travel sanctions to Cuban diplomats and stressed that the agreement on reopening embassies can only be reached after Washington removes Hanava from a list of terrorist sponsors.


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