US human rights report contains non-objective comments about Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam pursues a consistent policy of promoting and protecting human rights, considering people as the center and driving force of the Doi Moi (national renewal) process and national development, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Pham Thu Hang.

US human rights report contains non-objective comments about Vietnam - ảnh 1Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Pham Thu Hang (photo: VOV)

Answering a reporter's question at the regular press briefing in Hanoi on Thursday, Ms. Hang said the US Department of State's annual human rights report dated April 22, 2024, despite reflecting Vietnam's achievements and progress in protecting human rights, unfortunately continues to give some non-objective comments based on inaccurate information about the actual situation in Vietnam.

Hang said fundamental human rights to freedom are recognized in the Vietnamese Constitution and are protected and promoted by specific legal documents and carried out in practice.

Ms. Hang said that Vietnam has been and will be discussing frankly and openly in a constructive spirit with the US on issues of difference in a bid to enhance understanding and thereby making more positive contributions to comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

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