US imposes steel tariffs on EU, Canada, Mexico

(VOVWORLD) - US President Trump on Thursday imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from the EU, Canada, and Mexico. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said the tariffs, 25% on steel and 10% from aluminum, will take effect on Friday. 

US imposes steel tariffs on EU, Canada, Mexico - ảnh 1 The US's Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross (Photo:AFP/VNA)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the EU will retaliate unanimously and firmly. She said at a joint press conference with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa in Lisbon that the EU wants to be exempt from the US tariffs, which do not comply with regulations of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

European Commision President Jean-Claude Juncker called Washington’s decision unacceptable and the EU will apply reciprocal measures.

EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said the EU will trigger a conflict solving mechanism and the bloc’s retaliation will be compatible and comply with the WTO’s regulations.

French President Emmanuel Macron called the US’s tariffs illegal and wrong, and warned that the EU would respond strongly.

British International Trade Secretary of State Liam Fox said the US’s decision is disappointing.

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