US, India hold third strategic dialogue

(VOVworld) – A range of urgent issues to promote ties between the US and India were high on the agenda of the two countries’ third strategic dialogue which opened yesterday in Washington.

US, India hold third strategic dialogue - ảnh 1
U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and her Indian counterpart Krishna. (Photo: Internet)

The dialogue, co-chaired by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and her Indian counterpart Krishna, covered the anti-terrorism struggle in Afghanistan, cooperation with Pakistan, and Iran’s nuclear program, along with their conventional cooperation in economics, science and technology, and climate change. The US Secretary voiced support the Indian development policy while highlighting the two countries’ roles in the Asia-Pacific region: "The US continues to support India’s “Look East” policy. Both our countries have significant states in the future of the dynamic Asia-Pacifuc region. And we need to expand our works both billaterally and through multilateral institutions such as the East Asia summit and the ASEAN regional forum to work to build a regional architecture that will boost economic growth, settle disputes peacefully, and uphold the fundamental rights and norms."
On his side, Indian External Affairs Minister Krishna said matters that used to be unprecedented in US-India relations are now shared by both and being developed. Krishna affirmed the success of the 3rd dialogue, which will wrap up today.

Minh Hien, VOV correspondent in Washington

