US: Iran could help with Syrian conflicts

(VOVworld) – Iran could still play a helpful role in finding a solution to the conflict in Syria even on the sidelines of peace talks in Geneva scheduled for January 22nd.  

US: Iran could help with Syrian conflicts - ảnh 1
Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday that Iran might play a role at coming peace talks on Syria. (Photo: Michael R. Gordon)

US Secretary of State John Kerry said this on Sunday at a news conference during his visit to Israel. This is the first time a US Secretary of State has talked about the possibility of Tehran’s participation in international negotiations to solve the Syrian issues. However, John Kerry reiterated Washington’s viewpoint that Iran could play a constructive role on the sidelines even if it was not a formal participant. This will all depend on the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s decision.
Russia has many times reiterated that Iran could play an important role in solving the conflicts in Syria and Teheran therefore should be present at the Geneva II meeting.

