US, Iran resolve obstacles, head for an agreement

(VOVWORLD) - Both the US and Iran have invited Qatar to step up its role as a mediator in negotiations about the future of Iran’s nuclear program. It’s a positive sign that Washington and Tehran are trying to resolve their differences toward an agreement.
US, Iran resolve obstacles, head for an agreement - ảnh 1Bushehr nuclear power reactor in Bushehr, southern Iran (photo: AP)

Media in the Middle East say that both sides really need a deal and there’s a willingness on both sides but the biggest problem is trust.

The ongoing talks in Vienna, Austria are attended by representatives from Iran, the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China. The US doesn’t attend the talks but expressed its will through its Western partners.

There are concerns that the Russia-Ukraine crisis may impact progress on resuming the Iran nuclear deal because Russia is an involved party.
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