US opposes the use of force in the of East Sea

(VOvworld) – The US opposes to threats or use of force by claimants to declare sovereignty over the East Sea. Acting Assistant Secretary of State Joseph Yun made this statement at an East Sea conference, adding that the US hopes the negotiation between China and ASEAN on the Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC) will soon begin.

US opposes the use of force in the of East Sea - ảnh 1
Joseph Yun, Acting Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (Photo:

At the conference held Thursday in Washington DC by the US’ Center for Strategic and International Studies, Yun said the US does not intervene into East Sea disputes but is concerned with dispute settlement. He reiterated that any territorial declarations must be based on international law, particularly the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and specific characteristics of soil, rock, and islands. The US’ top concern is maritime freedom as 50% of the world cargo is shipped through the East Sea which needs protection. The second is legal resource exploitation of companies including those from the US. The US is against any unilateral acts that may change the current status of the East Sea amidst many sovereignty claims in this area. Yun said: " We do not believe any claims or to be forced through coercive measures, through threat and certainly through use of force. This should be done through peaceful measures. Example of peaceful means is implementing the negotiation through 3rd party mediation and through recognized international arbitration. That is, for example, if a country decides to go through the laws, then another party, who is competing claims, should not intimidate that party but go through arbitration".

Yun said the current tension raises the importance of the jurisdiction and adequate approaches by related parties. This is the reason why the US advocates China-ASEAN COC negotiations.

