US President appeals to Britons to say no to Brexit

(VOVworld) - President Barack Obama has made an appeal to Britons, outlining the benefits of the United Kingdom remaining in the European Union as the country is set to consider a referendum on its withdrawal.

US President appeals to Britons to say no to Brexit - ảnh 1
Mr Obama wants the UK to remain in the EU(photo: AP)

Obama will have lunch with Queen Elizabeth II, meet with British Prime Minister David Cameron and dine with the duke and duchess of Cambridge, followed by a news conference and a town hall meeting with young British people.
In an article in the Telegraph newspaper prior to his visit, Obama called on the British people to say no to exiting from the EU. He said EU member-ship would confirm the UK’s international status and strengthen the EU. Terrorism, migration, and economic issues would be better dealt with if the UK remains inside the EU.
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