Venezuela's presidential election campaign ends

Venezuela's presidential election campaign ends - ảnh 1

Venezuelan opposition candidate Henrique Capriles greets supporters in front of a campaign poster of Venezuela's Acting President & Presidential candidate Nicolas Maduro during a campaign rally in the state of Merida, April 10, 2013. Photo: Reuters

Venezuela’s presidential election campaign ended on Thursday.  The two top candidates, Acting President Nicolas Maduro and Governor of Miranda State Henrique Capriles, are trying to become Venezuela’s leader for the next 6 years. Maduro on Thursday agreed his millions of supporters in Caracas to vote and said if he wins, he will continue to lead the country toward greater social justice as former President Hugo Chavez began. Capriles also called on supporters to vote and pledged to create opportunities for every citizen, increase the minimum wage, and stop “giving” oil to foreign countries. This has been the shortest election campaign in Venezuelan history, 10 days as of this Sunday.


