Venture capital in Vietnam hits 2.6 billion USD in past 2 years

(VOVWORLD) - Domestic and foreign investment funds poured 2.6 billion in venture capital in Vietnam between 2020 and 2022, three times higher than predicted, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

39 investment funds also pledged 1.5 billion USD for innovation startups in Vietnam until 2025, according to the Vietnam Venture Summit 2022 held in Hanoi earlier this week.

Vinnie Lauria, founder and CEO of Golden Gate Ventures, said Vietnam is the third pillar of the “Golden Triangle of Start-ups” in Southeast Asia, along side Singapore and Indonesia. This symbiosis will open up the next growth opportunity for Southeast Asia, he said.

The total value of innovation startup investment in Vietnam is expected to reach 5 billion USD during the 2023-2025 period, according to Bain & Company and Monk's Hill Ventures.

Tran Duy Dong, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment said that Vietnam is joining the golden triangle of start-ups in Southeast Asia with Indonesia and Singapore, attracting a large amount of investment in startups.

He said he hopes investors in and outside Vietnam will propose ministries and sectors to transform capital, and realize projects and investments in Vietnam as soon as possible.

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