Vibrant celebrations underway to mark 82nd anniversary of CPV

Vibrant celebrations underway to mark 82nd anniversary of CPV - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the National Assembly, the Government, and the Fatherland Front on Friday paid floral tribute to President Ho Chi Minh to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Present were Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Huynh Dam.

Delegates representing Hanoi’s Party Committee, the Municipal People’s Council and Committee, and the local Fatherland Front also visited President Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum. A delegation led by Pham Quang Nghi, Hanoi’s Party Committee Secretary, laid a floral wreath at the city’s Heroic Martyrs Monument and burnt incense to former Party General Secretaries Tran Phu, Truong Chinh, and Le Duan. 

Thai Nguyen province on Friday hosted a meeting to mark the 82nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam and review the national patriotic movements. Addressing the event, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung emphasized that the CPV’s foundation marked a milestone in Vietnam’s revolutionary history. He said over the past 82 years, under the sound leadership of the CPV, Vietnamese people have achieved independence and reaped great achievements in the renewal process to build a more prosperous state. Hung said: “This is an opportunity for us to proudly review the glorious path of the nation and of Thai Nguyen province, pass down to future generations the tradition of patriotism, unity, staunchness during wars of resistance and  industriousness and creativity in work and study to strengthen every party organization and member. Efforts should be made to successfully implement the resolution of the 11th National Party Congress and the 18th provincial Party Congress to develop Thai Nguyen province”

Earlier, the chief legislator launched the Spring Tree Planting campaign  and paid tribute to young volunteers of brigade  915 in Thai Nguyen city.

A series of activities take place in central provinces to mark the 82nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Da Nang City’s Party organization has presented more than 1,500 medals to Party members with 30 membership years and above. The central province of Binh Dinh has held performances to mark the event. Le Kim Toan, head of the provincial Party Commission for Information and Education said :“We have visited locations where our first Party cells were set up in the province. The provincial Party organization has reviewed moral principles applied to Party members.”

Quang Ngai province on Friday held a meeting of senior Party members to review the 82 years of the Party’s history.

A concert in Hanoi on Thursday marked the 82nd anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Called  ‘Eternal faith in the Party’, the programme reviewed historical milestones of the Party, and President Ho Chi Minh’s great contributions to the national revolutionary cause, leading the Vietnamese people to success, driving out enemies, and wining national independence. The programme praised Vietnam’s achievements during the wars, and during its renewal and international integration process under the leadership of the Party, and celebrated the patriotism and revolutionary fervor of Party members. Vu Van Phuc, Editor-in-chief of the Communist Review, addressed the event ‘Over the past 82 years, the Communist Party of Vietnam always deserves to be a leader in any successes of the Vietnamese revolution, a faithful servant of Vietnamese workers, a reliable and friendly comrade of international friends. Under the flag of the Party, Vietnam has gradually been on par with the rest of the world, so that every Vietnamese person, wherever they may be feels proud to be a citizen of the Vietnamese nation’.

