Vietnam and Cuba treasure bilateral ties

(VOVworld) - Vietnam and Cuba’s friendship and solidarity have been continuously strengthened and treasured by both countries over the past 4 decades. Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong stated this while visiting the agricultural province of Pinar del Rio on Wednesday.

Mr. Trong also said that the socialist path not only helps to boost economic development but also resolve social issues. The Party leader stressed that once again Vietnam’s 11th Communist party Congress had confirmed that pursuing socialism is the desire of Vietnamese people. It is also a sound decision by the Communist party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh and in line with historical development. Mr. Trong said that Vietnam is always grateful to its foreign friends like Cuba for their great contribution to the country’s success: "Vietnam is always grateful to the Cuban Party and people for their valuable assistance and support to Vietnam’s national liberation and revolutionary process. The Vietnamese people will never forget former President Fidel Castro saying, “For Vietnam, Cuba is ready to shed its blood. For Vietnamese people, Cuba has always been a symbol of revolutionary heroism and international solidarity  for people’s freedom and dignity".

On the occasion, Party leader Trong presented Cuba with 5,000 tons of rice to show spirit of solidarity between the two countries.

Regarding the joint project on rice production in Pinar del Rio province, Mr. Trong said that the project is very significant and an excellent example of cooperation between the two countries. He said he hoped that besides agricultural production, Vietnam and Cuba will expand cooperation in aquaculture and other fields.

Vietnam and Cuba treasure bilateral ties - ảnh 1
Party leader Trong spoke at the meeting on friendship and solidarity. Photo: VOV

Later the same day, Vietnam ’s Party leader attended a meeting at the Hai Phong Wharf in Havana Port.

When giving his opening address, Trong said that withstanding the test of time and political fluctuations during the past 50 years or more, the solidarity and friendship shown between Vietnam and Cuba has never waned and has become an invaluable asset for both Parties and peoples.

He added, that for Vietnam, Cuba is a symbol of revolutionary heroism, international solidarity, and an indomitable spirit that represents freedom, progress and human dignity.
On behalf of the Vietnamese Party, State and its people, Trong congratulated the Cuban People on their achievements under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba.

He confirmed Vietnam ’s solidarity and support for the Cuban people’s just struggle and asked the US to immediately put an end to their embargo on Cuba , as well as actions and movements that cause instability in Cuba

