Vietnam and South Africa enhance cooperation in ethnic affairs

(VOVworld) - Minister-Chairman of the Government Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs Giang Seo Phu paid a working visit to South Africa from August 22-29 to learn experience in ethnic affairs and seek ways to boost bilateral cooperation on these issues.

Vietnam and South Africa enhance cooperation in ethnic affairs - ảnh 1
Minister-Chairman Giang Seo Phu (R) presents a gift to Pravin Gordhan (Photo: VNA)

Minister Phu held talks with South African Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Pravin Gordhan, and met with Commissioner of the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities, Thoko Mkhwanazi-Xaluva. The two sides discussed ethnic policies of each country and agreed to exchange information on this area.

Minister-Chairman Giang Seo Phu held a working session with Deputy Speaker of the South Africa’s Parliament Lechesa Tsenoli on parliamentary activities relating to ethnic affairs.

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