Vietnam asks Taiwan to stop violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty

(VOVworld) – On December 12, Taiwanese Minister of the Interior Chen Wei-zen led a group of officials on a visit to Itu Aba Island of Vietnam’s Truong Sa or Spratly Islands to preside over opening ceremonies for several facilities.

Vietnam asks Taiwan to stop violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty - ảnh 1

In response to the visit, spokesman for Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry Le Hai Binh said: “Vietnam has sufficient legal and historical evidence of its undisputed sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos. All activities in these areas without Vietnam’s consent are considered illegal and null. The visit by Taiwanese officials to Itu Aba island of Vietnam’s Truong Sa archipelago and Taiwan’s announcement to put some facilities on the island into use are serious violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty, increasing tensions and complicating disputes in the East Sea. Vietnam resolutely opposes and rejects these acts. Vietnam requests Taiwan to immediately stop its violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty and not to repeat similar acts.”

