Vietnam attends third AFC in South Africa

(VOVworld) - A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh attended the third global conference on Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security and Climate Change (AFC) on Tuesday in Johannesburg, South Africa .

Vietnam attends third AFC in South Africa - ảnh 1
Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at the opening ceremony, South African Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tina Joemat Pettersson said the conference is a forum for global leaders, scientists, non-governmental organizations, and stakeholders to share achievements and discuss climate change challenges to food security. 

During a 3-day working session, participants discussed ways to raise farm productivity and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. They also proposed programs of actions and measures to cope with poverty, hunger, and inequality. The conference called for the establishment of a global alliance with 3 pillars:  sustainable increase of farm productivity, climate change adaptation, and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

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