Vietnam backs dialogue to resolve Israel-Palestine conflict

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam backs the two-state solution, with the establishment of the State of Palestine, whose capital would be East Jerusalem, existing peacefully alongside the State of Israel, based on the 1967 borderline and relevant resolutions of the UN.
Vietnam backs dialogue to resolve Israel-Palestine conflict - ảnh 1Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dang Minh Khoi  

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dang Minh Khoi said at an online meeting with the UN Security Council in the Middle East and Palestine on Thursday.

He called on the parties to engage in dialogue and negotiations and to continue to seek a comprehensive solution that can bring sustainable and long-term peace, thus protecting the lives of citizens and the legitimate rights of the parties, and contributing to peace, stability, and development in the region.

Ambassador Khoi applauded efforts to restart the Middle East peace process and stands ready to contribute to promoting negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

