Vietnam calls on Israel to facilitate humanitarian access, improve livelihoods of Palestinians

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is concerned over the deteriorating social, economic, and humanitarian situation in Gaza, calling upon Israel to lift the blockade imposed on Gaza as soon as possible, not only to facilitate humanitarian access, but also to ensure regular movement into and out of Gaza to improve the livelihood of Palestinians.
Vietnam calls on Israel to facilitate humanitarian access, improve livelihoods of Palestinians - ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy attends UN Security Council session on the Middle East. (Photo: VOV)

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, made the statement at a UN Security Council briefing on Wednesday, following the recent increase in violence across the Occupied Palestine Territory. The briefing on “the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question” was attended by Tor Wennesland, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process.

Quy said Vietnam calls on all parties to refrain from violence and incitement to provocation, and apply necessary measures to protect civilians, particularly children.  

He voiced particular concern about the advancement of Israel’s ongoing settlement plan in the West Bank’s which continue to violate international law and relevant UN resolutions and undermine two-state solution prospects.

The Vietnamese diplomat expected international donors to increase the level of assistance through the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and to support other relevant UN efforts.
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