Vietnam climbs three spots in global soft power rankings

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has climbed up three spots to rank 47th out of 105 countries in Brand Finance’s Global Soft Power Index Report 2021. Vietnam was the only ASEAN countryto see improvement this year. 

According Brand Finance, the improvement was largely owing to the fact that Vietnam has objectively managed the COVID-19 pandemic extremely well.

The report said Vietnam was spared a year of lockdowns and besieged hospitals, and has one of the lowest COVID-19 infection and death rates in the world. It added that not only is the response to the pandemic impressive – given its shared border with China – but Vietnam also experienced one of the highest economic growth rates globally in 2020 – one of a handful of countries with positive growth in 2020.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has approved the Vietnam National Brand Program from 2020 to 2030, which aims to increase the value and rankings of the nation brand while targeting over 1,000 products to become strong national brands. 
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