Vietnam is a flagship of of ASEAN

(VOVWORLD) - Russia’s website recently published an article by Grigory Trofimchuk, an expert in foreign policy, defense, and security, titled: “Vietnam – the flagship of ASEAN” with special emphasis on Vietnam’s leadership role in the region.

He said that ASEAN is an important partner, which is clearly shown by Russia’s recent adoption of the “Comprehensive Action Plan to realize the strategic partnership between Russia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for the 2021-2025 period.”

Grigory said that Vietnam is not only a flagship of ASEAN but has proved its leadership role, becoming a center player in regional issues and a “key” for ASEAN’s problems. Vietnam’s strength lies in its growing prestige and position in the international arena, its attractive business environment, political stability, and predictable foreign policy, said the expert.

