Vietnam pledges support for Africa’s food security

(VOVworld) - Vietnam has sent more than 400 experts to support agricultural development in African countries. The experts are based in Mozambique, Benin and Senegal to support local people in food security and sustainable development.

Vietnam pledges support for Africa’s food security - ảnh 1
African farmers work with Vietnamese experts on the rice field. (Photo: VOV)

Ambassador Le Huy Hoang announced the assistance at Monday's working session on Africa’s agriculture and food security within the first ministerial meeting to review the implementation of the outcomes of the Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-5). Hoang highlighted the fruitful results of recent projects sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency under a program called New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). Hoang said that with its experience, Vietnam is willing to help reduplicate this cooperative model to other regional countries. He added that Vietnam acknowledges TICAD progress and hopes to work with Japan and other partners in the Yokohama Action Plan 2013-2017 program.    

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