Vietnam pledges to do its best to help Cuba

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received in Hanoi on Wednesday President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez who is leading a high-ranking delegation of the Cuban Party and State for a visit to Vietnam and for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of leader Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated zone of South Vietnam in September, 1973.
Vietnam pledges to do its best to help Cuba - ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez in Hanoi on September 27, 2023 (Photo: VOV)

At the meeting, the two leaders agreed to continue to strengthen the political foundation between the two Parties as the direction for the development of bilateral ties.

They asked Ministries, agencies, organizations and localities of the two countries to work closely to implement agreements signed by the two countries’ leaders.

The two leaders stressed the importance of strengthening the exchange of theories and experience and promoting the two countries’ strengths to enhance bilateral cooperation in economics, trade, investment, agriculture, education, bio-technology, and health care.

Vietnam pledges to do its best to help Cuba - ảnh 2At the meeting

Mr. Trong said Vietnam always treasures, preserves and is determined to deepen the Vietnam-Cuba special traditional solidarity and comprehensive cooperation. Vietnam pursues a consistent policy of promoting solidarity and supporting Cuba, and protests and calls for ending embargo against Cuba. Vietnam shares with Cuba’s difficulties, wants to improve bilateral cooperation, and pledges to do its best to help Cuba.

President Esteban Lazo Hernandez said the Cuban Party, State and people always treasure the Cuba-Vietnam special friendship and traditional solidarity over the past 60 years.

He said Cuban leaders and people want to expand and deepen cooperation between the two Parties and the two countries and consider its relationship with Vietnam is of strategic significance.                        

