Vietnam pursues international economic integration for peace, prosperity, and development

(VOVWORLD) - Regional cooperation plays a crucial role in Asia-Pacific’s recovery and adaptation to the rapidly changing landscape of the global economy, said Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son, who on Wednesday attended the Asia and Pacific High-level Video Conference on Belt and Road Cooperation at the invitation of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
Vietnam pursues international economic integration for peace, prosperity, and development - ảnh 1

Minister Son urged countries to increase multilateral cooperation to combat the coronavirus and transfer vaccine production technology. Regional cooperative frameworks and initiatives like the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Belt and Road Initiative should be used to boost trade and investment, help businesses reach a wider market, and improve transportation, logistics, and digitization, Son said, adding that further assistance should be given to developing countries to help them fulfill their sustainable development goals by 2030.

Sticking to its dual goal of pandemic containment and socio-economic recovery, Vietnam is pursuing international economic integration and closer cooperation with its Asia-Pacific partners, according to Son.

