Vietnam reports two new imported COVID-19 cases

(VOVWORLD) - Two Vietnamese people, both returning from abroad, were confirmed as new COVID-19 patients between 6am and 6pm on November 16, raising the total infections to 1,283.
Vietnam reports two new imported COVID-19 cases - ảnh 1

Among them, the 27-year-old woman returned from Japan on Flight VN311 and arrived at Van Don Airport in northern Quang Ninh province on November 14.

Meanwhile, the 23-year-old man had come to Japan from the US on Flight NH5 before boarding Flight VN311 to enter Vietnam via Da Nang Airport in central Da Nang city on November 8, according to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.
Both have been quarantined since their arrival.
So far, Vietnam has recorded 691 locally infected cases of COVID-19, and been free of virus transmission in the community for 75 straight days.
Also on November 16, 21 patients were given the all-clear, bringing the total recoveries up to 1,124 and keeping the fatalities at 35.
Among those still under treatment, seven have tested negative for the coronarvirus SARS-CoV-2 once, 18 others twice, and six thrice. No patients are in critical conditions at present, the treatment sub-committee said.
There are 15,549 people having close contact with confirmed cases or coming from pandemic-hit areas under quarantine at present. 

