“Vietnam War: 1945-1975” exhibition underway in New York

(VOVWORLD) - The “Vietnam War: 1945-1976” exhibition opened Tuesday at the New York Museum of History. 
 “Vietnam War: 1945-1975” exhibition underway in New York - ảnh 1

Permanent Head of the Viet Nam Mission to the UN Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga (center) at the exhibition (Photo: Huu Hoang/VNA)

More than 300 items and interactive digital media on display convey the story of the war beginning with the end of World War II, when the US backed a French military effort to maintain its colonial regime in Indochina. The exhibition describes the escalation period and the end of the war after a strong anti-war movement emerged in the US. On display are enlistment orders for US youths aged 18 to 26. Many of them burned their order to protest the war. Compulsory enlistment was ended in 1973 before the last US soldiers left Vietnam. Visitors are encouraged to write or record their thoughts about the Vietnam War for later generations.

The exhibition will run until April 22 next year.

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