Vietnamese in Germany protests China’s activities in the East Sea

(VOVworld)- Hundreds of Vietnamese people living in Frankfurt and nearby areas gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate General to protest at China’s recent military escalation in the East Sea.
Vietnamese in Germany protests China’s activities in the East Sea - ảnh 1
Vietnamese in Germany protests China’s activities in the East Sea- Photo: Nguyen Duc/Vietnam+

They protested against China’s test flights on the Fiery Cross Reef which belongs to Vietnam’s Truong Sa archipelago and deployment of an HQ-9 surface-to-air missile system on Phu Lam (Woody) Island in Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago and the escalation of the construction of military bases in the region. The protest attracted the participation of the local people and tourists on its way from the Chinese Consulate General to the city hall square.

