Vietnamese public supports Marine Police and Fisheries Surveillance Force in national defence

(VOVworld) - The Foreign Ministry and the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group on Monday presented gifts worth 1.2 billion VND to support the Vietnamese Marine Police and Fisheries Surveillance forces in defending national territorial waters. Major Colonel, Vice Political Commissar  of the Command Committee of the Vietnam Marine Police Hoang Van Dong and Deputy Head of the Vietnam Fisheries Surveillance Department Nguyen Van Trung attended the event. They thanked Vietnamese people inside and outside the country for supporting and encouraging soldiers and fisheries surveillance officers to combat Chinese actions that had violated Vietnam’s sovereignty and its jurisdiction over its Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. They said the soldiers were determined to stay firm in defending national territorial waters.

Vietnamese public supports Marine Police and Fisheries Surveillance Force in national defence - ảnh 1
PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemical Corporation hands over a H47P speed patrol boat to the Vietnam Marine Police.

That day, the PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemical Corporation also handed over a H47P speed patrol boat to the Vietnam Marine Police.

Also on Monday, representatives of the Fatherland Front of Quang Ninh province, the Fund for the Support of Fishermen, the War Veterans’ Association and the Women’s Union of Quang Ngai province visited the Marine Police No 2 and a Nguyen Loc, a fisherman on Ly Son island, whose ship had been attacked by Chinese ships. They presented gifts worth 110 million VND and 400 million VND for the Marine Police and the fisherman respectively.

The Vietnamese Association of Riverports and Continental Shelf has issued a statement opposing the illegal action of the China National Offshore Oil Corporation in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone. The Association demanded the China National Offshore Oil Corporation stop its illegal action and pull the oil rig HD-981 out of Vietnamese waters.

