Vietnamese students win prizes at Int'l Robothon Competition

(VOvworld) - Vietnamese students claimed two first prizes, one second and two third prizes at the International Robothon Competition in Ho Chi Minh City on November 29. Themed EcoWatch, the international contest drew the participation of 366 students in 122 teams from primary and secondary schools in Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Vietnamese students win prizes at Int'l Robothon Competition - ảnh 1
Competitors at the event (Photo:VNA)

Contestants had to perform various tasks, including time control, soli data collection, placement of seeds and sample experiments. Through practical programmes on robotics, students can apply the knowledge they learnt, and create new applications and innovations.
The International Robothon Competition, organised by the DDT–Eduspec joint venture, is an annual event for kids between 6 and 13, creating a playground for them to apply information technologies and science in the spirit of creativity and teamwork. Last year, Vietnamese students won one first prize and one second prize at the competition held in Malaysia.

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