Vietnam’s exports up to 113 billion USD

(VOV/VOVworld)- Vietnam’s exports are expected to total 113 billion USD this year, 4 billion USD over the target. At a press conference yesterday, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said export turnover reached 83.8 billion USD in the first nine months, a monthly average of 9.3 billion USD each month. According to the Ministry, the imports have been controlled effectively in the past nine months thanks to government’s policies on reducing public spending and controlling the import of luxury goods. 22 categories of goods earned revenues in excess of 1 billion USD in the first nine months. Tran Thanh Hai, Deputy Head of the Import Export Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade said: "The reduction of the import surplus is normal because the export value still increased by 6%. The outcome shows the effectiveness of import management and that domestic goods have successfully replaced imported ones. The falling import rate is reducing the value of imported goods".

