Vietnam’s poor households drop 1.6% in two years

(VOVWORLD) - The national target program on sustainable poverty reduction from 2016 to 2020 has reached the halfway point. So far 38 communes have escaped from disadvantaged conditions and completed new rural criteria.
Vietnam’s poor households drop 1.6% in two years  - ảnh 1

The number of poor households nationwide has dropped 1.6%, reaching the level set by the National Assembly.

Ngo Truong Thi, Director and Chief of the National Office on Poverty Reduction of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, said: “We faced repeated natural disasters and floods in 2016 and 2017. Many facilities were destroyed by calamities. Many families lost homes and loved ones. These are issues we need to find solutions for. We should combine poverty reduction and climate change response in minimizing the damage caused by natural disasters. We should change our approach to measuring multi-dimensional poverty.”

On Tuesday, the Thai Binh provincial Fund for the Poor launched Month for the Poor 2018. 75 collectives and individuals have already donated 56,000 USD to the Fund.

In Bac Giang, the local Fatherland Front, said that during this year’s Month for the Poor the Front, it will focus on replacing thatched houses and hopes to raise 2.4 million USD for the provincial Fund for the Poor and the social welfare program for 2019.

Bac Giang intends to complete construction or repair of 450 houses before Lunar New Year 2019.

