Vietnam’s Vinatsat-2 satellite successfully launched

(VOVworld) - A VINASAT 2 satellite left the launch pad aboard an Ariane 5 rocket at 22.13 GMT Tuesday in Guyana, South America.

Vietnam’s Vinatsat-2 satellite successfully launched - ảnh 1

30 minutes after launch, it separated from the rocket and went into orbit. It was Vietnam’s second Ariane 5 rocket launch since 2008 to carry a communications satellite into orbit. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said on a live TV program covering the event:“The satellite project is a high priority of the Party and State. It reflects Vietnam’s growing political and economic importance. I urged a full exploitation of the satellite  to improve IT infrastructure and connection quality in remote areas to support national security, defense and natural disaster mitigation.

Manufactured by the American company Lockheed Martine, VINASAT 2 is outfitted with Ku band transmission beams to blanket Southeast Asia and adjacent areas. The satellite weighs approximately 3 tonnes and has am expected lifespan of 15 years. The 280 million USD satellite will provide direct television broadcasting, and telecommunications and Internet services.

