VN National University, HCMC marks 20 years of development

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday President Truong Tan Sang praised the achievements of Ho Chi Minh City’s National University on the occasion of its 20th anniversary.

VN National University, HCMC marks 20 years of development - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang in his address at Ho Chi Minh City’s National University
on January 27, 2015

President Sang asked the school to clarify its education and training targets for the next 15 years, not only to confirm its leadership among domestic universities and colleges, but to become a regional leading educational insitution.

He called on the University to continue renovating its teaching methods and programs, with a focus on improving lecturers and educational staff, increase its science and technology research, and develop a healthier educational environment.

