Water solutions in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - An international seminar on the application of water-related solutions in Vietnam opened in Hanoi on Monday.

Water solutions in Vietnam - ảnh 1
Vietnam should work closely with countries experienced in water resource management.
(Photo: tinnhanmoitruong.vn)

Participants discussed practical solutions toward challenges that Vietnam is facing including water use in agriculture and urban areas and rural water amid the increasing demand for water resources, distribution and services. They also discussed the policy issues, the impact of climate change, and water solutions based on water use in urban areas. Victoria KwaKwa, the World Bank’s Country Director in Vietnam, said global warming has made a great impact on the Mekong River Delta, which needs to increase its capacity to resist climate change, and create a comprehensive system to manage water resources. Kwakwa added that Vietnam should cooperate more closely with countries experienced in water resource management. 

