Workshop on ASEAN Community and Vietnam’s action plan

(VOVworld) – Opportunities and challenges for Vietnam in the ASEAN Community were discussed at a workshop on the ASEAN Community and Vietnam’s action plan held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.

Workshop on ASEAN Community and Vietnam’s action plan - ảnh 1
Workshop on the ASEAN Community and Vietnam’s action plan (Photo:

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said as ASEAN began its process of building the ASEAN Community, Vietnam worked out an action plan for measures to cooperate with ASEAN. In the International Integration Strategy for 2020 with a vision toward 2030 submitted to the Prime Minister for approval, cooperating with ASEAN countries to build the ASEAN Economic Community and plans to implement this vision are top priorities. Mr. Minh said this is the time to work out specific programs to raise awareness for Ministries, sectors, localities and people about the ASEAN Community and complete specific action plans to realize the goal of building the ASEAN Community. 

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